Custom Edgework
Beyond the many options of stone materials, you have the opportunity to further customize the surfaces by selecting a custom edge finish. The finished edge of the countertop can vary from simple, clean lines to ornate and striking, adding depth and artistry to your stonework.
Premium Edgework
Any of the above edges can be laminated for a prominent effect, especially on larger-scale cabinetry, including kitchen islands. A laminated edge doubles (or even triples!) the thickness of the stone on the visible edges. A waterfall edge is a vertical section of stone mitered to meet the countertop at the end of a run of cabinetry. The seamless appearance creates the impression that the movement and color of your stone flows from surface to floor.
Surface Finishing
A polished surface is the most traditional choice for stone countertops, as it is easy to wipe clean and displays the beauty of the material. Alternative surface finishes include leathering and honing. A leathered stone surface is produced by brushing the stone with specialized diamond-infused bristles. The end result is a lightly-textured effect that complements both rustic and antique design styles. Honing creates a matte surface through the skillful use of abrasion, either with fine-grit sandpaper or by applying a mineral acid to remove the glossy polish.